Our coaches
Let us help you reach your career and educational advancement dreams! We provide resources, advice, and support whether you are seeking greater career fulfillment (aka job searching) or applying to graduate/professional school.
Megan Watt | Chief Dream Maker @ Dream Catalyst | Career & Leadership Specialist
M.S. Higher Education & Student Affairs, Indiana University
B.S. Biology & Earth Space Science and Secondary Science Teaching, Florida State University
I am a Leadership Development and Strengths Specialist, Career Coach, Consultant, and Entrepreneur. I have 15+ years of experience in higher education in career and leadership services, and have worked at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Iowa, and Indiana University. I am a proud member of Forbes Coaches Council, an invitation-only community for top business/career coaches. My passion has always been teaching, leadership, and thinking big. In my spare time I am chasing after my daughter, a sports fan, and a fun fact geek!
Learn more about me on LinkedIn or follow me on Twitter @megwatt
M.S. Higher Education & Student Affairs, Indiana University
B.S. Biology & Earth Space Science and Secondary Science Teaching, Florida State University
I am a Leadership Development and Strengths Specialist, Career Coach, Consultant, and Entrepreneur. I have 15+ years of experience in higher education in career and leadership services, and have worked at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Iowa, and Indiana University. I am a proud member of Forbes Coaches Council, an invitation-only community for top business/career coaches. My passion has always been teaching, leadership, and thinking big. In my spare time I am chasing after my daughter, a sports fan, and a fun fact geek!
Learn more about me on LinkedIn or follow me on Twitter @megwatt